Living Well Through Lent 2021: Listening With All Your Heart, Soul, Strength, and Mind

Featured Writers:  Martha Bourlakis, Robbin Brent, Randall Curtis, Donald Fishburne, Jan Kwiatkowski, Heidi Kim, Malcolm McLaurin, Craig Phillips, Lisa Saunders, Scott Stoner, and Dawna Wall.

Click Here To Order Your Lent Devotionals Now 

We Are Happy To Offer Several Ways To Engage With Us Throughout The 2021 Lent Season:

Click Here To Download Our 2020 Lent Offerings Promotional Flyer

  • Purchase our Lent devotional as a printed book in English and Spanish while supplies last
  • Enroll for free to receive each day’s reading via a daily email
  • Join our closed Facebook discussion group moderated by Robbin Brent, Jan Kwiatkowski
, & Scott Stoner
  • Access all past daily readings through our archive online
  • Download our Lent devotional as a FREE PDF file in English and Spanish
  • Download our Lent facilitator’s guide as a FREE PDF file

  • Purchase our Lent devotional as an e-book from Amazon

    Click Here To Learn More About All Of Our Lent Offerings