The Teen Compass Faith & Wellness Notebook Leader Guide (PDF FILE - Christian)

Inside this 5 1/2" x 11" leader’s guide you will find 90 pages with step-by-step, easy to follow directions for using this 27-session faith and wellness curriculum with teens. This curriculum is broken down into eight units, each unit taking an in-depth look at one of eight areas of wellness in a teen's life. Each unit is made up of three lessons where teens are encouraged to examine their lives by taking a self-assessment, learning things people can do to enhance that part of their life, discussing why wellness might be challenging in that area of their life, and learning about the wisdom they can glean from the Bible regarding each area.
This curriculum encourages discussion (all discussion questions are included in this guide) about the very real challenges teens face in the twenty-first century, and helps them discover how the Christian teachings can be a guide, as they make more and more of their own decisions about how to live their lives. It is being used creatively by teachers, youth leaders, clergy and camp leaders.
The Teen Compass Faith & Wellness Notebook is needed for each teen when using this curriculum.
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