Living Well Through Advent 2024 Offerings Promotional Flyer (PDF FILE)

Living Well Through Advent 2024 Offerings Promotional Flyer (PDF FILE)
If you have individuals or a group you would like to share our Advent offerings with, we are happy to provide our Advent promotional flyer for you to print and distribute.

The flyer will inform people of the following ways to engage this Advent season:
  • Order our Advent devotional as a printed booklet in English and Spanish. 
  • Enroll to receive each day’s reading via a daily email.
  • Access all past daily readings through our archive online.
  • Download our Advent devotional as a FREE PDF file in English and Spanish.
  • Download our Advent Facilitator's guide as a FREE PDF file.
  • Purchase our Advent devotional as an e-book from Amazon for .99 cents (we cannot make these free as the price is controlled by Amazon).

    Living Well Through Advent 2024: Practicing Peace with All Your Heart, Soul, Strength, and Mind includes includes reflections from:

    • Robbin Brent
    • Laurie Brock
    • Audry Cady Scanlan
    • Scott Stoner
    • Mary Bea Sullivan
    $ 0.00