Adult Self Assessment - Spanish (PDF FILE - Secular)

The Adult Self Assessment consists of eighty statements, ten for each of the eight different areas of wellness: care for the body, spirituality, relationships, stress resilience, organization, rest and play, work/school, and handling emotions.
Those who take an assessment will likely realize that the eight areas of wellness are interconnected, and that they all contribute to a person’s overall wellbeing. It may very well, additionally, get a person to start thinking about a positive change they might want to make, this being the first step towards actually making the change.
It is important to remember that the results are merely a snapshot of a person’s life at the very moment when they take it, it is not a measure of a person’s worthiness, nor is it a diagnosis or any kind. It is merely a quick look at a person’s life. The results might very well have been different if the assessment was taken a month earlier, or taken a month later as life is always changing. Taking the assessment frequently also brings into greater awareness areas of a person’s life that they may need to be more intentional. Just as an annual physical reveals different things that may need attention each year, the same is true here.
After taking the assessment an individual can save their results for future reference, or to share with others who might offer support in making wanted changes.